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Neighbor News

College Farm Market returns for the summer

College of Lake County's Farm Market returns at the Grayslake Campus.

As the weather begins to warm up, locally grown plants and produce are ready to be bought and sold. The Farm Market at College of Lake County (CLC) is back for the year on Thursday, June 9 to help provide healthy choices for the community.

Stop by and grab fresh vegetables, flowers, herbs and tea every Thursday from 3-5:30 p.m. through October.

Produce sold at the market is organically grown right at CLC’s Grayslake Campus. Tended to by staff and student workers, the products are harvested the day of or the previous day for maximum freshness.

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Overflow produce is donated to local food pantries. Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted. For more information or with any questions, email Melanie Bromeberek at or visit the Facebook page (@clchorticulture) or Instagram (@clccampusfarm). For details on the college’s horticultural programs, visit

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